Legacy Products
The products in this section are no longer actively sold, promoted or recommended for use by CTC. In some cases items are available to support existing applications only. Newer products are available from CTC that offer equivalent or improved functionality as well as additional benefits. Product information is listed here solely for the reference of our existing customers who have already purchased and installed these products. In cases where the products are still available for sale they typically have longer lead times than our active products. Contact CTC customer service to determine the current status and availability of these items. Legacy products are not supported for sale into new applications.
A note on Legacy RMAs: In most cases CTC is able to offer repair services for legacy products, but such repairs are subject to component availability.
Model 2200 and 2600 controllers may be upgraded to currently available hardware, such as the 2600XM or 2700 series, usually with minimal changes to existing hardware modules and Quickstep applications. Refer to the Upgrade Paths for Model 2200 and Model 2600 Controllers guide for additional information.
A note on Legacy RMAs: In most cases CTC is able to offer repair services for legacy products, but such repairs are subject to component availability.
Model 2200 and 2600 controllers may be upgraded to currently available hardware, such as the 2600XM or 2700 series, usually with minimal changes to existing hardware modules and Quickstep applications. Refer to the Upgrade Paths for Model 2200 and Model 2600 Controllers guide for additional information.