eLearning Center
Welcome to the popular CTC eLearning Center! Here you will find great information on automation topics such as motion control, state language and acronyms.
Adjusting PID Gains
PID and Servos
Servo Types
Servo Basics for the Layman
Adjusting Servo Drive Compensation
Current Feedforward Control
Current Loops
Electric Servo Motor Equations and Time Constants
Electric Velocity Servo Regulation
Calculating P, I, Constants KP and KI
Implementing PID Compensation
Measuring Motor Parameters
Time Constants for Wye/Delta Motor Connections
PID - What Is This?
PID Servo Compensation - What Units?
Ramification of Position Loop Compensation
Drive Ratio Considerations
Compensating Structural Dynamics for Servo Driven Industrial Machines with Acceleration Feedback
How Temperature Affects a Servomotor's Electrical and Mechanical Time Constants
Servo Motor Performance vs. Temperature
State Language for Machine Control by Kenneth Crater (also in PDF version)
When Technology Standards Become Counterproductive by Kenneth Crater
Servo Tutorials
White Papers
Servo Tutorials
The Bode DiagramAdjusting PID Gains
PID and Servos
Servo Types
Servo Basics for the Layman
Adjusting Servo Drive Compensation
Current Feedforward Control
Current Loops
Electric Servo Motor Equations and Time Constants
Electric Velocity Servo Regulation
Calculating P, I, Constants KP and KI
Implementing PID Compensation
Measuring Motor Parameters
Time Constants for Wye/Delta Motor Connections
PID - What Is This?
PID Servo Compensation - What Units?
Ramification of Position Loop Compensation
Drive Ratio Considerations
Compensating Structural Dynamics for Servo Driven Industrial Machines with Acceleration Feedback
How Temperature Affects a Servomotor's Electrical and Mechanical Time Constants
Servo Motor Performance vs. Temperature
White Papers
Blue Fusion Controllers Integrate Factory with Multiple Web StandardsState Language for Machine Control by Kenneth Crater (also in PDF version)
When Technology Standards Become Counterproductive by Kenneth Crater