Your automation controller — Powerful, Tailored, Supported.

Controller FAQs

  1. What are the default IP addresses for Blue Fusion Controllers?

    For 5100 series:
    IP Address:
    Subnet mask:

    For 5200 series:
    IP Address:
    Subnet mask:

    For 5300 series:
    IP Address:
    Subnet mask:

  2. What type of memory backup do CTC controllers have?


  3. What’s the scan time of CTC controllers?

    While traditional PLCs work by cyclically scanning the entire ladder logic routine and processing a lot of information that is irrelevant to the immediate task, CTC controllers execute only portions of a program at any given time. Only the active "step" in each task is executed at any given time, resulting in less CPU overhead and superior performance. CTC has found that its controllers run faster than most others because of this fundamental difference in program architecture. While actual performance metrics depend on the controller model, number of concurrent tasks, and other variables, a CTC controller can execute a ten-task application in less than 8 msec.

  4. Where can I find a list of all the registers in CTC controllers and what they do?

    Registers are listed in the Quick Reference Register Guide for the applicable controller:


  5. How much current is the internal 24-volt power supply on my controller capable of supplying?

    5300 controllers:  8 Amps (I/O backplane current @ 24V)
    5200 controllers:  CPU - 110 mA quiescent, 270 mA fully loaded; Expansion - 25 mA quiescent, 25 mA fully loaded
    5100 controllers:  150 mADC quiescent, 384 mADC fully loaded
    2700 controllers: 1.5 Amps
    2600XM controllers: 1 Amp

  6. What is the output current limit on the 5100/5200 Output Modules per individual output?

    M1-20A: source 500 mA per output, 3 ADC per module
    M1-20B: source +5V, 375mA per output, 3 ADC per module
    M1-22A: sink 500mA per output, 3A per module

  7. What is the total current output for all output at any given time for the 5x00 controller?

    5100 controller: 3A per controller
    5200 controller: 9A per controller
    5300 controller: 8A per controller

  8. Will CTC controllers run on 50Hz?

    All AC powered CTC controllers will run on 50Hz / 60Hz

  9. How can I upload my program?

    CTC offers a utility called CTCutils to transfer an application program from a controller to Quickstep running on a PC.

  10. Can I expand to another controller if I run out of slots?

    The 2600XM/2700 Series can perform peer-to-peer communications from rack to rack offering a form of expansion. Refer to the model 2217 networking module for more information. 

    For the Model 5200, up to three 5210 units may be connected to a 5220 via expansion connectors. 

    For the Model 5300, rack bridge and power bridge connectors may be used to join two Model 5300 units together.  Model 5300s also support a broad range of networking standards that further enable integration and communication between different units.

  11. How are the modules in a rack addressed?

    When a controller is powered up, one of the first things it does is create a resource map of the modules contained in its rack. It does this by interrogating each slot of the controller to see if it is populated with a module. If populated, the module’s Auto ID number along with its location is recorded. After all Auto ID numbers and locations have been recorded, a resource map is created. The resource map allows the Quickstep program to know exactly what it has for resources and how to address them.

  12. How do I know my controller supports the module I just bought?

    The installation guide for every 2000 series module contains the revision of the product and the revisions of controller firmware that support it.  5000 series modules contain minimum hardware, firmware and operating system revision levels in their data sheets.

  13. How do I get a firmware upgrade for my controller?

    From time to time CTC will release a new version of a controller’s operating system to support new products that plug into the rack or to make bug fixes. It may become necessary to upgrade your existing controller for one of these reasons. Most firmware upgrades are free to all CTC customers and available on CTC's website. The 2703APX firmware upgrade is available for purchase by calling 888.818.2600.  EPROM's can be mailed out for field upgrades.

  14. How many axes of motion can CTC controllers support?

    Model 2700:  up to 32 (with 2703APX upgrade)
    Model 5100: up to 4
    Model 5200: up to 12
    Model 5300:  up to 16

    Note that maximum number of axes available for a given controller depends on the other resources, such as I/O, that are required by the application.  Also, for larger applications that exceed the capacity of a single controller, two or more controller units may frequently be combined to meet the application's requirements.  CTC recommends that you call your CTC sales representative or distributor for additional information.

  15. How much memory do CTC controllers have?
    • 2601 : 24K
    • 2700 : 28K
    • 2700AP: 64K
    • MultiPro™ (all models) : 24K
    • 5100: 64K
    • 5200: up to 16MB

    The Model 5300 Controller is made up of differing types of memory, primarily consisting of Flash, SDRAM, and Static RAM. Most areas are reserved for controller and QuickBuilder use but there are user areas available. Certain portions of the Static RAM are non-volatile and may be used for a RAM Disk. Flash Disk is available as either a 4M (BC5311-01A CPU) or 8M (BC5311-01B CPU) disk. There is also 6M of SDRAM space that may be used for ‘C’ API development when QuickBuilder is not in use.

    Note: Refer to the memory usage tables for more information.

  16. How many communications ports are built into the 2703APX processor and how many volatile and nonvolatile registers are there?

    Two RS-232 communications ports, 490 volatile registers, and 8500 nonvolatile registers.

  17. Do I need the latest software for applications using the 2703APX?

    You must use Quickstep 3.0 on controllers that have the 2703APX CPU. For users that currently have the 2703AP CPU, a firmware update will upgrade your CPU to 2702APX; no additional hardware is required for the APX upgrade. Both Quickstep 3.0 and the 2073APX firmware may be purchased by calling CTC at 888.818.2600.

  18. What is the best way to mount a CTC controller in a panel?

    For Model 2600, 2700 and MultiPro's:
    It is recommended that a controller be mounted on a vertical panel with enough room for air to flow through the rack area. (4 inches clearance top and bottom and 2 inches on either side for 2600XM's and 2700's; 2 inches top, bottom and sides for Multipro's) All CTC controllers are rated to 50 C. Some means of cooling is recommended in applications where high temperatures are generated near or below the controller.

    For 5x00 series controllers, mounting specifications may be found in the following documents:
    Model 5100 datasheet (Doc. No. 950-510001)
    Model 5200 datasheet (Doc. No. 950-520001)
    Model 5300 catalog (Doc. No. 959-530003)

  19. My 2000 series controller has stopped running and has a flashing red fault light. What does that indicate?

    You have a software fault in your QuickStep program. There are many reasons for a software fault to occur. Some of the most common are:

    • Your program is trying to use a resource that doesn't exist in the controller, e.g. inputs, outputs, servos, analog, register, etc.
    • Your program is attempting to turn or zero a motor that is either un-profiled or already in motion.
    • Your program has recurred. You have called too many multitasks.

    Use the monitor utility to view the program step status. At the bottom of the window you will see the fault -- the step in the program in which it occurred -- and a brief description of the fault. Use that information to try and solve the problem.

  20. My 5000 series controller has a flashing red fault light. What does that indicate?

    A slow flash indicates a software fault on the local backplane. Refer to TechNote #1: Fault Handling for Software Faults for additional information on identifying the root cause. A fast flash indicates DHCP negotiation, which is normal during controller start-up and stops once communications have been established.

  21. My 2000 series controller has a steady red light. What does that indicate?

    Every CTC controller has a built-in watchdog timer that monitors successful operation of the controller's microprocessor. In the event the microprocessor fails to perform properly, the watchdog timer resets the microprocessor, disables all digital outputs, and stops program operation. In most cases, you can still communicate to the controller via RS-232. Some of the most common reasons for a watchdog fault are:

    • AC input power dips, causing the controller's +5VDC supply to fall below allowable operating range.
    • There's an invalid program in the controller -- program integrity is verified each time the controller is powered.
    • Severe electrical noise in the operating environment.
    • The controller is unable to communicate with one of the modules in its rack (a remote possibility).

    In extreme cases the controller may not come back into operation, even when power is cycled. Please check in with CTC Tech Support; the controller may have to be sent back to the factory for servicing.

  22. My 5000 series controller has a steady red fault light. What does that indicate?

    A steady red fault light indicates a hardware fault. Recycle power and if the steady red light persists, contact CTC Technical Support for assistance.

  23. How do I transfer registers from one controller to others?

    Often when creating multiple machines, it is desirable to copy over the nonvolatile registers which may contain valuable operating parameters. These registers are often set through CTC Monitor and are not included in the QuickStep program, so they may be overlooked when building multiple machines. CTC Monitor contains register upload and download functions that can be used to move the registers from one controller to another. These register transfer options are found under the File menu in the main CTC Monitor window. The register upload prompts you to save the register data to a text file, and the download asks you which file you wish to download. In this way, multiple register files for different machines or configurations can be saved for future use.

    A few tips to make the transfer go more smoothly:

    • Increase the timeout value specified in the CTC Monitor communications settings to 1000 ms
    • Verify the upload by viewing the saved register file by using the "Open register file" selection under CTC Monitor's File menu
    • Remember to change the timeout back to the default 250 ms when you are finished!
  24. What register is used in all CTC controllers for the millisecond timer?


  25. What registers are used in the Model 2700 and 5x00 controllers for the Real-time Clock?

    13014 - 13020. They are Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Month, Year, and Day of the Week respectively.